Become Our Client

We make becoming our client an easy process.  Right from the start we make the focus of our work YOU and your needs, objectives, risk tolerance and investing time horizon. The better we know you, the better we will be able to anticipate your needs going forward. We do not rely on a standard questionnaire to get to know you.  Instead we have a conversation, or many conversations, in order to allow both you and us to learn all we can about each other.

We want you to be comfortable with us and our process.  Our early conversations will include our investing style and approach, how we make investment decisions, what type of research we use and how we react to sudden changes in the financial markets.

Our Capabilities Presentation focuses on our investing principles, our belief in efficient investing, the importance of diversification and how asset allocation impacts expected return. We will show you how we use our Portfolio Builder.  We will review our five (5) risk profile asset allocation plans, which you are free to choose from if one matches your circumstances. Otherwise, we will build a customized asset allocation plan just for you.

We handle all the paperwork for you. Our Investment Advisory Agreement is three (3) pages and is written in easy to understand English, not legalese. Together we will prepare an Investment Policy Statement that is the framework for our advisory relationship with you.

Safekeeping of your investment account assets is provided by our custodian, Charles Schwab & Company.  At no time will our firm ever have custody of any of your investments. We will prepare all paperwork necessary to open and transfer your account.

We will monitor closely the transfer of all account assets.  In most cases, existing positions will transfer smoothly via an electronic account transfer system. Occasionally, some assets are best liquidated prior to account transfer.  Other accounts such as your 401k plan at your current employer may remain at the current custodian, but, will become part of your overall investment plan.

You will receive two (2) different types of statements with your new account. Each month, Charles Schwab will provide a full and complete monthly statement of your account.  At the end of each quarter, you will also receive a Performance Report from Academy Wealth Advisers. The format of our report has been custom designed to provide you with a clear and understandable view of your investment assets, how they relate to each other and relative performance across all asset classes and sectors.

Communication is the key. We believe that sound advisory relationships depend on good, clear and regular communication.  We encourage you to ask questions of us.  If you do not understand one of our recommendations or simply disagree with it, please tell us promptly.  All clients receive our Quarterly Perspective in which we discuss recent economic data, our outlook for the future, our core investing philosophies and items to watch for in the coming quarter.

We promise to return your telephone calls or e-mail messages within twenty-four (24) hours, but, in most cases the same business day. We are happy to meet with you, as requested, but suggest the scheduling of account review meetings on a quarterly basis.

Getting started is easy. Simply call us (215 603 2976) or e-mail us to begin the conversation.  A face-to face meeting will enable you to decide if there is a comfortable fit for you as our client.  You can tell us as much or as little as you like, though the more we know the better we can determine how best to serve your needs.  There is no obligation and no fees are charged until you become a client. Please contact us today so that together we can plan for your financial future.

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